Dancing fag

Disgusting gay pole dancing for his Mistress

Disgusting gay pole dance
Miami Mean Girls
Goddess Randi
362 MB
1280 HD

Disgusting gay dancing just for her entertainment

So in Part 1 I stick him up on the pole and order him to “DANCE FOR ME, BITCH!” HAHAHA!!!!! And I even whip him throughout his pathetic attempt to “dance” in order to “encourage” him to do better! I am laughing throughout its “performance” because it is DEFINITELY not erotic! It is HILARIOUS! I guess I WAS entertained…in a way. LOL. The way this is filmed, it is sort of like YOU (the viewer) are the one dancing up there…except this sissy faggot loser is the one being whipped instead of you…lol. 🙂 Who else wants to entertain Me??? 🙂

Mistress and her disgusting gay – whipping part

In PART 2 I decide that there is no WAY he is going to earn Me enough $$$ by dancing on a pole! I tell him to his face that he is repulsive and PATHETIC! So instead, I grab its leash, yank it off the stage, and reposition it against the wall- and explain to it that it will make Me $$$ by being beaten for Me!! See also: Whipping mistress and candidate for slavery


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